Adjustable Mannequin V1.2 - Blender 4.0+

by Vertex Arcade in Models

Item Rating

This item has an average rating of 5 from 12 ratings by the community.

  • Dogfish
    3 months ago

    I'm using this for traditional art, but id suggest maybe adding an fk rig too.

    I also would love more presets, a superhero male and female 8 or 9 head tall heroic proportions, and ideal western proportions. More poses would be appreciated, especially action poses with guns. I like that you have a lara croft preset, but she needs shooting poses with single and dual wielding.

  • Andrei Gorshkov
    3 months ago

    This is an incredibly simple and functional template for creating basic meshes. It will help me a lot. Thank you!

  • Rise
    6 months ago

    Gets the job done, makes nice references for both 2D art and 3D character art. The meshes have some slight asymmetry and minor shape key issues but those aren't a catastrophe in the grand scheme of things.

  • Eric
    6 months ago

    Overall pretty good. Worth mentioning that if you append the scene into your blend file, at least in 4.1, not all the poses will show up, so you have to append them in addition to the scene.

  • V vix
    6 months ago

    The IKs could be improved. It's hard to get certain poses that include heavy thigh or bicep rotation. I also wish it was easier to customize the mannequin color, since the material uses a hex value for the color anyways and yet the color is hard coded into the material (It can still be edited by editing a material function, but I see no reason why the variable can't be exposed from the get go).
    Outside of these issues, the mannequin is great. The body type range is impressive and very easy to edit. using the customization UI is a bit clunky, but that's fully on Blender's selection tool and not the model's author.
    Nevertheless, it's still a very competent reference tool and beats Magic Poser (My previous drawing reference app) by a mile. A very well spend 5$ in my book.

  • Satish G
    9 months ago

    Absolutely amazing asset and pose library. I have started using it and I cannot wait to see what I can make using it. Thank you!

  • Joshua Certain
    9 months ago

    The instructions are lacking and skip steps. It seems to be capable, but it is going to take a lot of research to get the thing to work as advertised.

  • John Hearle
    9 months ago

    Note this is not a plugin but a heavily customized preset .blend file to optimize the speed of HUMAN (only) character modeling.

    Will definitely save you time on making a base mesh over concept art, and if you are more experienced you can add poses/mod it yourself fairly easily.

    For starters though, it's a little lacking in poses.

  • Yussuf
    10 months ago

    Works just how you would expect it to. Developer was lightning fast getting back to me with all my questions.

  • Mollie Cha
    11 months ago

    Great for when you need mannequin pose references for your 2D Art!

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Sales 1800+
12 ratings
Dev Fund Contributor
Published about 1 year ago
Software Version 4.0
Render Engine Used Cycles
Misc Data Uvs-Unwrapped, Rigged
License GPL