[Addon] Material Preview

by Aleksandr Podoprigora in Addons


Have you ever thought about how cool it would be to switch between base color, metallic, roughness and normal map with one button on all selected objects?

All you need is a bsdf node and the corresponding nodes connected to it

This works on procedural materials too.

The main thing is that the bsdf node should be one and located at the very end of the node tree before output

Also in this addon there are several more cool features, such as a procedural checker map, random colors for all materials, texture reduction, reload textures and searching for them by name, followed by displaying

You can read more about the Material Preview addon in the documentation

connects BSDF node to output

 connects base color to output

connects roughness to output

connects metallnes to output

connects normal map node to output

Flip Normal Map Green channel

show procedural checker map

connect the selected UVmap to all textures

1-5 selected by number UV map is connected

0 - cleans up region selected the UV map

connect the texture to the selected name

Set Random Color for each materials

Reduces the resolution of textures for selected objects by 2 times (does not save them)

Reload Image

LMB - reload image for selected objects
Shift+LMB - reload all image in scene

Release Notes MaterialPreview
  • Added a random color button for each material
  • Added reduction of textures on selected objects x 2
  • Added the ability to reload textures only for the selected object
  • Set brightness of Base Color, Roughness, Metallic viewer to compensate for Film and CM exposure
  • Added more information when there is an error when the color, roughness or metallic is not connected
  • Release Version

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Sales 20+
Dev Fund Contributor
Published over 3 years ago
Software Version 2.9, 2.91, 2.92, 2.93, 3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6
License GPL