Abstract Art Liquid Metal Table

by Dennis Hafemann in Models

Abstract Art Liquid Metal Table

A table that blurs the boundaries between solid and liquid. This table is a fascinating fusion of art and design. Its surface resembles a slowly flowing layer of metal that has solidified into fascinating shapes. The seemingly liquid form of the table creates a dynamic and unconventional aesthetic and obviously is an eyecatcher in any modern interior scene, as a side table, a corner table for presenting sculptures, and more.

How the table looks like in an abstract, cozy scene ...


* Import/Append (F4) object "Liquid Metal Table" from the unzipped blend-file to your scene.

* Object is marked as asset and importable from asset browser when unzipped blend-file is located in your asset library.

ZIP-file includes .blend-file with ...

* Basic scene for quick rendering, ground, camera, environment lighting.

* Main object "Liquid Metal Table".

!!! Notice: The interior scene, used for demonstration, is not included in the product, only the table itself.


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Dev Fund Contributor
Published 3 months ago
Software Version 4.3, 4.2, 4.1, 4.0, 3.6
License Royalty Free