3D Cars: Inside And Out

by CG Masters in Training

Table of Contents

Section 1 - Introduction

  1. Welcome to Class
  2. Getting Started

Section 2 - Preparing for Class

  1. Essential Preference Changes
  2. Recommended Preference Changes
  3. Custom Matcaps
  4. Full Guide to the Guide Mesh - Essentials
  5. Full Guide to the Guide Mesh - Tips and Tricks
  6. Full Guide to the Guide Mesh - What's New?

Section 3 - Modeling - Exterior - Guide Meshes

  1. Setting Up Blueprints
  2. Hood Area Contours
  3. Wheel Well Contours
  4. Front Bumper Contours
  5. Grill Contours
  6. Front of the Front Fender
  7. Front Bumper
  8. Hood Area
  9. Back of the Front Fender
  10. Control Loops - Hood
  11. Front Bumper Vent
  12. Side Rail
  13. Door Area
  14. Trunk Area Contours
  15. Trunk Area
  16. Back Fender
  17. Control Loops - Door Area
  18. Back Bumper
  19. Back Vents
  20. License Plate Area
  21. Roof
  22. Windows
  23. Final Touches
  24. Splitting it Apart

Section 4 - Modeling - Exterior - Final Panels

  1. Hood
  2. Front End and Fenders
  3. Front End Vents
  4. Headlight Panels
  5. Front Bumper
  6. Side Slope Panels
  7. Side Bottom Rails
  8. Side Doors
  9. Door Handles
  10. Back Fenders
  11. Back End
  12. Back Bumper
  13. Back Bumper Cutouts
  14. Back Blinker Panel
  15. Trunk
  16. Roof
  17. Door Tops
  18. Adding Thickness

Section 5 - Modeling - Exterior - Windows

  1. Windshield
  2. Door Glass
  3. Quarter Glass
  4. Top Glass

Section 6 - Modeling - Exterior - Plastics

  1. Body Kit - Bottom - Front
  2. Body Kit - Bottom - Back
  3. Body Kit - Bottom - Final Touches
  4. Body Kit - Floating Panel
  5. Body Kit - Ribs
  6. Wheel Wells
  7. Front Side Vent
  8. Back Side Vent
  9. Front Bumper Vent
  10. Hood Vent
  11. Trunk Vent
  12. Fuel Inset
  13. Roof Trim
  14. Windshield Gutter

Section 7 - Modeling - Exterior - Side View Mirror

  1. Housing
  2. Insert
  3. Mirror
  4. Arm

Section 8 - Modeling - Exterior - Front Grill

  1. Border
  2. Grill
  3. Ring Housing
  4. Rings

Section 9 - Modeling - Exterior - Back Grill

  1. Border
  2. Grill

Section 10 - Modeling - Exterior - License Plate Area

  1. Plastic Trim
  2. Light Box
  3. License Plate

Section 11 - Modeling - Exterior - Boosters

  1. Housing
  2. Boosters

Section 12 - Modeling - Exterior - Headlights

  1. Housing
  2. Buttons
  3. Main Light
  4. Loop Lights
  5. Backplate
  6. Lens

Section 13 - Modeling - Exterior - Tail Lights

  1. Housing
  2. Light
  3. Lens

Section 14 - Modeling - Exterior - Blinkers

  1. Lens
  2. Housing
  3. Light

Section 15 - Modeling - Exterior - Windshield Wipers

  1. Long Arm
  2. Short Arm
  3. Housing
  4. Blade
  5. Bolts

Section 16 - Modeling - Exterior - Other Details

  1. Logo - H6
  2. Logo - Rings
  3. Logo - Julietta
  4. Fuel Area Insert
  5. Gas Cap
  6. Rubber Seals
  7. Hexagon Meshes
  8. Shadow Meshes

Section 17 - Modeling - Exterior - Wheels

  1. Rims
  2. Center Cap
  3. Tires
  4. Tire - Final Touches
  5. Hub
  6. Nuts and Bolts
  7. Brake Disc
  8. Brake Caliper
  9. Brake Caliper Details
  10. Air Stem
  11. Vent Spews
  12. Shocks
  13. Basic Wheel Rig
  14. All Other Wheels
  15. Finishing the Rig
  16. Final Touches

Section 18 - Modeling - Interior - Doors

  1. Door Shell - Part 1
  2. Door Shell - Part 2
  3. Side Panel
  4. Side Panel - Light Strip
  5. Speaker
  6. Latch
  7. Side Pocket
  8. Handle
  9. Final Touches

Section 19 - Modeling - Interior - Full Shell

  1. Side Shell
  2. Front End Shell
  3. Dashboard Shell
  4. Middle Console Shell
  5. Dashboard Column
  6. Middle Console Column
  7. Engine Shell - Part 1
  8. Engine Shell - Part 2
  9. Engine Platform
  10. Roof Shell
  11. Front Roof Supports
  12. Back Roof Supports
  13. Final Touches

Section 20 - Modeling - Interior - Dashboard

  1. Adding Extra Geometry
  2. Vent Cutouts
  3. Vent Border
  4. Vent Blades
  5. Vent Hex Meshes
  6. Gauge Cutout
  7. Gauge Border
  8. Gauge Housing
  9. Gauge Screen
  10. Gauge Glass
  11. Air Bag
  12. Glove Compartment
  13. Final Touches

Section 21 - Modeling - Interior - Steering

  1. Steering Column
  2. Steering Column Cutout
  3. Steering Wheel Hub - Part 1
  4. Steering Wheel Hub - Part 2
  5. Airbag
  6. Steering Wheel Handle - Part 1
  7. Steering Wheel Handle - Part 2
  8. Steering Wheel Pads
  9. Steering Wheel Light Strip
  10. Buttons - Part 1
  11. Buttons - Part 2
  12. Paddles
  13. Final Touches

Section 22 - Modeling - Interior - Middle Console

  1. Screen Cutout
  2. Screen Housing and Screen
  3. Screen Cover
  4. Dial Cutout
  5. Dial Housing
  6. Dial
  7. Middle Compartment Cutout
  8. Middle Compartment Panel

Section 23 - Modeling - Interior - Chairs

  1. Basic Shape
  2. Main Shell
  3. Back Cushion
  4. Head Cushion
  5. Head Cushion Logo
  6. Bottom Cushions
  7. Base

Section 24 - Modeling - Interior - Seatbelts

  1. Retractor
  2. Webbing
  3. Latch

Section 25 - Modeling - Interior - Engine Cover

  1. Platform Cutout
  2. Main Shell
  3. Side Inserts
  4. Logos
  5. Middle Insert
  6. Light Strips
  7. Border
  8. Final Touches

Section 26 - Modeling - Interior - Floor Mats

  1. Front Mats
  2. Front Mats - Logos
  3. Back Mat

Section 27 - Modeling - Interior - Pedals

  1. Brake Pedal
  2. Gas Pedal
  3. Foot Rest

Section 28 - Modeling - Interior - Other Details

  1. Seals - Roof
  2. Seals - Door
  3. Light Strips - Roof
  4. Light Strips - Lower Shell
  5. Light Strips - Upper Shell
  6. Light Strips - Door
  7. Windshield Border
  8. Quarter Window Border

Section 29 - Modeling - Interior - Door Hinges

  1. Basic Door Rig
  2. Door Hinges
  3. Door Frame Slot
  4. Door Plate

Section 30 - Rendering - Shaders - Setup and Basic Shaders

  1. Preview Lighting
  2. Basic Shaders Overview
  3. Applying Basic Shaders

Section 31 - Rendering - Shaders - Complex Shaders

  1. Car Paint - Red
  2. Car Paint - Black
  3. Car Paint - Silver
  4. Car Paint - Blue
  5. Carbon Fiber
  6. Applying Carbon Fiber
  7. Brake Disc
  8. Tire UV Map
  9. Tire Shaders
  10. Leather - Black
  11. Leather - Black - Rough
  12. Leather - White
  13. Leather - White - Rough
  14. Floor
  15. Floor Mats
  16. Seatbelt
  17. Dial Buttons
  18. Steering Buttons
  19. Gauge Display
  20. Console Display
  21. Hex Mesh

Section 32 - Rendering - Setup

  1. Render Settings
  2. Final Model Review
  3. Environment Overview
  4. Appending the Environments

Section 33 - Rendering - Mountain View - Back

  1. Final Render
  2. Post Processing

Section 34 - Rendering - Mountain View - Front

  1. Final Render
  2. Post Processing

Section 35 - Rendering - Mountain View - Interior

  1. Final Render

Section 36 - Rendering - Venice Sunset

  1. Final Render
  2. Post Processing

Section 37 - Rendering - City Street

  1. Final Render
  2. Post Processing


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Sales 2400+
32 ratings
Dev Fund Contributor
Published over 1 year ago
Software Version 4.2, 4.1, 4.0, 3.6
License Editorial