2 Post Car Lift
This realistic PBR textured model of a 60inch wide garage tool cabinet and comes with both basic and grunge textures.
- This model has been created using the bevel edge and subdivision modifiers to add geometry and control sharp edges and to improve smoothness of the model simply increase the subdivision modifier level to a higher setting in blender
- The model has been supplied in FBX and OBJ formats as both base mesh (modifiers NOT applied) and ...sub1 (modifiers applied at subdivision level 1) as seen in the renders.
- Textures have been provided for each individual object within the model, maps include (Base, height, metallic, roughness, normal) and supplied at a minimum of 1024px by 1024px (some have been created at 2048px by 2048px to maintain sctratch and grunge detail). Jpeg format ha been used for both basic and grunge texture packs.
- Empty control points have been added to the blender file to aid animation. This model, however, is NOT fully rigged.
- Although not specifically designed as a game ready asset, this model has been opened and tested in unity
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model tools garage blender garage car lift workshop pbr-textures equipement machine physically based rendering industrial 2 post car lift PBR 2 post car hoist pbr-texture car hoist subdivision realistic hydraulic lift industry