Unreal Skeleton To Rigify (In One Click)

by Denis Chera in Addons

What is Unreal Skeleton to Rigify?

Unreal skeleton to Rigify is the add-on that generates Rigify from Unreal models.

  • No messing with Blender's metarig, it's created automatically
  • One-click - just select the original Unreal rig (it should be already imported with 3rd party add-on, check Requirements) and click "Generate Rigify"
  • Rigify include IK and Face

How to install?

The installation procedure is the same as for other Blender add-ons. 

  1. Go to Edit > Preferences... > Add-ons 
  2. Click Install...
  3. Select downloaded .zip archive unreal-skeleton-to-rigify.zip
  4. Click the check box to activate the add-on


To run this script you would also need 2 additional add-ons:

  1. “Rigify”, a default rigging add-on from Blender, should be on by default
  2. Blender add-on to import exported Unreal models https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Dene33/TModel/master/TModelAddon_NoIK.py Right-click, save as and install as ordinary Blender add-on (see the previous paragraph)
  3. An add-on that export models from Unreal games
  4. Add-on works only on Windows

Only Blender 3+ is supported.

How it works?

1. Import Unreal model to Blender

First, one needs to import a Unreal model to Blender. There are a couple of apps that you can find in the internet.

2. Convert Unreal model to Rigify

Now you should have the Rigify add-on turned on, Unreal Skeleton to Rigify add-on installed and the original Unreal model imported to Blender.

1. Select the original Unreal rig imported to Blender. Rig is the Armature object, not the mesh

2. In the N menu, select Rigify from Unreal tab and with the Unreal armature selected, press “Generate Rigify”

Known issues

We tested the add-on and it works for most of the rigs. However, some rigs have an unusual structure, bone names, or locations. This add-on may fail for these rigs and some manual tweaks or adjustments in the code should be done in that case.

If you can't get the desired results from some rigs you're trying to use, please contact us, we'll be happy to fix the problem for you! We're constantly working on supporting all the rigs with as less bugs as possible!
Sales 50+
Customer Ratings 1
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Dev Fund Contributor
Published about 2 years ago
Blender Version 3.0, 3.1, 3.2
License GPL
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