Unreal Mover
Unreal Mover is an Add-on which allows you to move with an Object while moving it.
It is similar to Shift-Movement in Unreal Engine 4 and Unreal Engine 5.
The Shortcut is V, but it can be easily changed through the Add-on Preferences.
This Add-on-Function is integrated into my AVN Add-on.
Discord: https://discord.gg/D2AZRcZMxt
Check out my other products: https://blendermarket.com/creators/ebtrr
Sketchfab: https://sketchfab.com/ebtrr
If you have any questions feel free to contact me.
For feature requests and Bug reports, you can use the Discords Channels or the Blender Market Contact Formular.
Moving in the Global X-Axis:
Moving in the Global Y-Axis:
Moving in the Global Z-Axis:
Comparision to Unreal Engine:
You can change the Shortcut (by Default V) in the Add-on Preferences (in Preferences):
Change Movement Strength in the Side Panel:
Move your Mouse in the Direction the Object should move. If your Object should move left or right in the X and Y-Axis, you move your Mouse left or right. If your Object should move in the positive Z-Axis, you move up else down.
Advice: Slow Mouth Movement is better, you can change the Strength in the Unreal Mover Panel, and movement in the axis direction you want to go is more effective than diagonally.
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