The Billiard Collection
The Billiard Collection
Inspired by a recent visit to a small local pool hall I wanted to create a pool ball. The ball looked pretty good so I made a pool stick. Well once I had that, there was no reason not to make a pool table.
Since there was nothing related to billiards on the market I made The Billiard Collection.
Edit: New version is available here:
The billiard collection includes everything you need to design your own billiard room. Bring any interior design to life by breaking the boring look of static furniture with a classy table designed for fun. Special care was taken in the creation of materials to make sure they are optimized for rendering as fast as possible.
The package includes:
- Pool Table
- 15 Billiard Balls and 1 Cue Ball
- 2 Pool Sticks
- 8 Ball Rack
- Photorealistic Cycles material for each model including textures
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