Scifi Alpha Map Pack Vol 1
Some Alpha Maps that can be used to paint depth on your 3d models using either blender, zbrush, substance painter, 3d coat, etc.
Included in this pack
* 180 alpha map 2k textures
* 2 Blend files holding some models associated with making the 180 alpha map textures (Needs Blender 2.8+ to open)
* A video to help walk you through how to use them in Substance Painter (might make more videos to help use them in other programs later)
(I've added a few 4k Alpha Maps, but I have noticed that they can be heavy on system resources, so idk if I'm going to make too many of those yet)
License Info
Commercial use of the Alphas is permitted but nothing can be included in a asset pack or sold at any sort of asset/resource marketplace and must be embedded components in media such as a video game, movies, or similar products.
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alpha texture height map alpha brushes 2k-textures asset pack bfcm21 scifi alphas