Procedural Molecules Librairy

by Crys in Modifier Setups

Procedural Molecules librairy (PML)

Graphics are pretty important in science for publications, lectures ...

PML is a geometry nodes collection to help and simplify the conception of drawn and graphics. This is not only for professionals or students of condensed matter but also for those who appreciate the beauty of molecules :)!

200 molecules = 200 nodes have been implemented in the file. These are classified according to their functional group :
- Alcohols
- Alkanes
- Nucleobases
- Fullrenes
- Aromatics
- Others (such as water, DNA, caffeine, ...)
- Fatty acids
- Aldehydes
- Carboxylic acids
- Alkenes
- Vitamins
- Amines and Amides
- Ketones
- Sugars
- Ethers
- Crowns and Cryptans

the controllable parameters are :

- The colors of atoms

- Scale (= size) of atoms allowing to obtain, as examples, space filling representation or ball and sticks representation.

- Rlink : size (diameter) of the links

- Dreiding (boolean) : to obtain a dreiding representaion of the molecule

- Length : length of the different links. By default, the links start and end at the center of atoms reaching to something unpretty in case of transparent materials.This option allows to avoid this

- Space : distance between links in case of double links

How to install this ? :

Just put the blend file (and also the blender_assets.cats.txt file) into a directory and connnect it through the preferences : Edit/preference/File Paths and click on "add Asset Library"


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Published almost 2 years ago
Software Version 3.4, 3.5
License Royalty Free
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chemistry Molecules geometry nodes Procedural molecules