PLX transforms texture coordinates to resemble mesh displacement. It accurately renders depth, perspective, and occlusion from any camera angle. PLX also includes tools that enhance the PLX experience.
How is PLX better than other parallax shaders?
Most other parallax shaders have compromises or issues like bending, repeated calculations, blobbiness, extreme dither noise, and oversmoothing. PLX uses many techniques to solve all of these issues, including a new subsampling method suited for Blender's shader limitations. This allows PLX to look nearly perfect with very few layers, and flawless with more layers. PLX also calculates normals matching the depth of the parallax effect.
Why should anyone buy PLX?
PLX is streamlined to be more efficient in every way. Using PLX reduces rendering time caused by high poly meshes. Additionally, for each purchase, a percentage will be donated to the Blender Foundation. The rest of the profits will support me in creating new innovative shaders, improving PLX, and learning more skills.
2.0 beta
- Complete rebuild
- Much more optimized
- Subsampling method
- Normal calculation
- Transformation sliders
- Modular design
- Optimization
- Removed colorramps
- Depth Blur
- Now works on both sides of a mesh
- PLX_Depth is now to scale of 1 UV unit
- No warping, shrinking, blobbing, or extreme dither noise
- Three inputs routed directly to the PLX_Texture nodegroup to use multiple textures per scene or to modify procedural textures inside
- Realtime performance in EEVEE
- Lite version with 8 layers and regular version with 64 layers
- Works with any image or procedural texture
- Crisp sharp edges
- Transformation sliders
- Normal calculation
- Depth output for custom shaders
Next update:
- Multiple mapping techniques (Object, Generated, Triplanar, Top Down)
- More detailed documentation
- Ambient Occlusion
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