Blender Organizer Add-on
Organizer is an add-on that helps you organize and tidy up your scenes in blender. It can find objects that are missing materials or a UV map. It can batch rename objects, replace materials or select all objects that use the bevel modifier. It's especially useful for large scenes with hundreds or thousands of objects.
Who is it for?
The organizer add-on is for anyone who works on large or complex scenes in blender. You have probably spent a lot of time checking if all your objects have materials assigned, that they all have a UV map and that scaling has been applied. Still you might have discovered that something is wrong only after seeing the final render. Perhaps you disabled a boolean modifier in the viewport but forgot to remove it altogether?
The purpose of this add-on is to make all these tasks easier. To spend less time on organizing and verifying and more time on creating. And at the same time being more confident that everything in your scene is correct.
Change log
This add-on is an ongoing project, and new features will be added bit by bit. Minor version updates are free to download for those who already bought the plugin.
- 1.40
- added features
- select single-user objects
- select multi-user objects
- added features
- 1.3.0
- updated UI - separating each tool into a collapsible panel
- improved UI messages
- updated for blender 4.0
- 1.2.0
- reorganized object data panel
- added features:
- select objects with color attributes or attributes
- select vertex groups / shape keys / UV maps / color attributes / face maps / attributes by name
- batch rename vertex groups / shape keys / UV maps / color attributes / face maps / attributes
- batch remove color attributes or attributes
- batch remove vertex groups / shape keys / UV maps / color attributes / face maps / attributes by name
- batch remove custom geometry data
- set active UV map by name
- 1.1.0
- added features:
- remove all modifiers
- remove specific modifier
- set modifier visibility in viewport or for render
- remove vertex groups
- remove shape keys
- remove UV maps
- remove face maps
- added features:
- 1.0.0
- initial version
- initial version
- select objects by name
- batch rename objects
- add prefix/suffix to object names
- set data (mesh) name equal to object name
- select objects with no materials
- select objects with unused materials
- select objects with empty material slots
- select objects that use a specific material
- remove unused materials
- remove all materials from objects
- batch replace materials
- select objects using any modifier
- select objects using a specific modifier
- select objects that have modifiers disabled for viewport or render
- remove all modifiers
- remove specific modifier
- set visibility in viewport or for render
Object Data:
- select objects that have or don't have:
- vertex groups (any or with a specific name)
- shape keys (any or with a specific name)
- UV maps (any or with a specific name)
- color attributes (any or a with specific name)
- face maps (any or with a specific name)
- attributes (any or with a specific name)
- custom geometry data:
- custom split normals data
- edge bevel weight
- vertex bevel weight
- edge crease
- vertex crease
- vertex groups (any or with a specific name)
- select objects that have:
- scale different from one
- rotation different from zero
- position different from zero
- batch rename:
- vertex groups
- shape keys
- UV maps
- color attributes
- face maps
- attributes
- remove:
- vertex groups (all or with a specific name)
- shape keys (all or with a specific name)
- UV maps (all or with a specific name)
- color attributes (all or with a specific name)
- face maps (all or with a specific name)
- attributes (all or with a specific name)
- set active UV Map by name