Grid Scale Presets
Maximize your productivity by effortlessly swapping between user-definable grid scale presets using a simple keymap, ensuring your workflow remains uninterrupted and smooth.
This plugin brings you the power to switch grid scaling with ease. Featuring a convenient dropdown menu in the 3D viewport header, you can instantly see and adjust your current grid scale. Plus, customize the menu by adding your own predefined grid scales in the preference's menu.

This powerful feature, inspired by game engines, allows users to seamlessly swap between different grids with a simple keymap.

The GIF above demonstrates grid-scale presets on a procedural interior generator.
Our plugin features a versatile dropdown menu where you can manually input grid scaling and choose from two columns of user-definable grid scale presets. With two categories—standard scales (.1, .5, 1, 10, 50, etc.) and scales in powers of two (.02, .04, .08, .16, .32, etc.)—you have precise control over your snapping increments.
Effortlessly navigate between different grid scales using default keymaps ('[' and ']'). Customize your experience further by binding keymaps to specific properties as needed.
By default, the grid-scale swapping functionality is applied across all workspaces, but you can easily toggle this feature off with the 'Per Workspace' button for more focused control.

For added convenience, export your plugin preferences into an '.ini' file for safekeeping or for editing grid scale presets outside Blender's preference UI.
Please note: the plugin does not include the meshes, generators, and scenes shown in the GIF images.
Version 1.1.0 Tested with
- Blender 4.2.6 LTS
Version 1.0.0 Tested with
- Blender 4.1
- Blender 4.0.2
- Blender 3.6.9 LTS
- Blender 3.3.16 LTS
- Grid-scale presets feature.
- Two different preset categories; 'standard' and 'power of two.'
- 3D Viewport header UI (can be toggled).
- Workspace-wide preset application.
- Flexible operators and properties with bindable keymaps.
- Export or import preferences from or to an .ini file.
Current version
A .sha256 file is included to allow users to validate the checksum of the plugin's .zip file, should they wish to do so.
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design engine improvement keymap plugin quick Game level blender snapping Workflow efficient blender presets floor grid modeling preference-backup preset blendergrid snapping 3d grid Scales checksums switching ini Level Design documentation gifs interface Art Game Engine grid environment Fast speed PDF