Everex Hard Surface Details Kpack
This kpack is a collection of 400+ KitOps inserts 500+ KitOps inserts intended for adding details to your 3d models, environment scenes and props objects. The designs are simple to be adaptable and easy to use in different situations or style. It is great for fast concepting and detailing.
UPDATE OCTOBER 2022 - Added more inserts(emissive,shapes,objects) and placeholders.
What is Included:
- Basic Shapes Inserts - best for starting out
- Cutters - simple and complex cuts
- Cables and Pipes - these are mostly sleeves, end caps/connectors and pipes, best to use with cablerator or fluent or curve basher
- Circular and Rectangular Inserts
- Emissive Inserts
- Walls and Panels
- Stamps and Frames
- and more...
- FREE Updates!
- I will actively be adding more assets. More cutters, decals, emissives and objects
- The goal is to be a mountain of inserts/assets and be absolutely useful for 3d artists and professionals hence the name EVEREX the Mount Everest of Inserts.
- Info Decals for Decal Machine
- 1 Basic Trimsheet
Gumroad: https://chippwalters.gumroad.com/l/kitops
Blender Market: Kit Ops 2 Free Kitbashing Addon For Blender
Blender Market: Kit Ops 2 Pro: Asset / Kitbashing Addon
Documentation: http://cw1.me/kitops2docs
Support: http://cw1.me/discord
If you have any questions feel free to drop me a message.
Thank you very much for checking this out. I would be very glad for your support.
Have a wonderful day ~c",.)
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