Conical Roof Generator
With this tool, you can create a conical roof of terracotta tiles with a few clicks, and tailor it to your needs by setting its width, steepness, and age.
The .blend file contains:
- Conical Roof Generator Geometry nodes
- Procedural terracotta material with age parameter
- Base roof tile
- Peak piece
- Append from the ConicalRoofGenerator.blend file the NodeTree -> ConicalRoofGenerator
- Add a random mesh
- Add the Geometry Nodes modifier to the mesh and select the ConicalRoofGenerator
Configure how many tile circles should the roof have and how steep it
should be according to your needs with the corresponding sliders
- Select the base tile
- On the Materials tab, with the Age slider of the Terracotta material configure how worn should the roof be
If needed, append the PeakPiece Object from the
ConicalRoofGenerator.blend. Please note that the PeakPiece is modeled
for the Circles:3 and Steepness:3 parameters, for other configurations,
it might need to be remodeled.
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geometrynodes terracotta conical roof archiceture roof-tiles