Bl To Mar——Blender To Marmosettoolbag4 Plugin

by in Addons

BlToMar - Blender To MarmosetToolbag4 Plugin is a free plugin that exports Blender to MarmosetToolbag4 and provides some convenient operations in blender

(*$0.51 because blendermarket is pricing at least $0.51 for the none subscription Creator,I will contribute all sale to the Blender Development Fund by this product before it can be free in the future

You can also get it from My Github : )

If you like it, you can support me with some fees in my Gumroad : , which will motivate me to develop more free content

If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to contact me


  • Rename: Quickly add suffixes/dynamically detect names/batch rename

  • Show: Show/Hide objects with different suffixes

  • Baking group: Quick Baking group

  • Export: One-click export to MarmosetToolbag4



Add/Clear suffixes

After clicking the dynamic detection, the object clicked by the mouse will be dynamically detected. If the object name with low is double-clicked, the name will be automatically added to the Custom Name Column

Clicking on other objects does not change unless clicking on the next object with a low name updates the Custom Name Column

If you want to clear the Custom Name Column, double-click the empty space

It is recommended to open dynamic detect, name the '_low' object, and then click the object that you want to add '_high', directly click the Add high suffix button, so that you can avoid manually entering the name for a second time

Batch Rename


Displays objects with different suffixes

————Baking Group————

Add/Delete/Name scene collection

Select group, select any low/high object, and click the Add button to automatically add the same named object to the group

Select group, select any low/high object, and click the Remove button to automatically remove the same named object to the group


Specify the path to Marmoset Toolbag4 in the plugins panel, then save the Blend file and click Export to export automatically


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Sales 20+
Dev Fund Contributor
Published about 1 year ago
Blender Version 2.9, 2.91, 2.92, 2.93, 3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6
License Mit
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