Ap 360Cam

by Alex Pearce in Addons

Documentation Here

Make sure to watch our tutorial video for a detailed explanation.

Hovering over each button will give you tooltips about what they do and any shortcuts that are assigned.


Add 360 Camera - Short cut is Shift-Ctrl Right Mouse Button.

  • Adds a panoramic camera to the scene

  • Sets up the camera as Panoramic, type Equirectangular.

  • Sets it up for Stereoscopic, for over/under.

  • Sets the height at 1.77 Meters (5'10'').  

  • Locks the Location Z, so you can quickly move the camera around without worrying about changing the height (you can either unlock or use the Navigation panel to move the z if you need to).

  • Locks the rotation x and y, so you don't accidentally rotate the camera. Rotating on z pans the camera around, so you can straighten. 

  • Sets up the camera to have a crosshair in the middle, to help line up the rotation.

  • Sets the camera as active, so after you add the camera, you can immediately move it.

  • Creates a marker on the timeline and binds the camera to that marker. Every camera after that increment one frame, so if you place 30 cameras, your timeline will have 30 markers with those 30 cameras. You can now press Render all Cameras or the normal Render Animation to render all cameras at one time.

Render Region On - Turns on so that it only renders the equirectangular image in the viewport.


Move to cursor - Moves the selected camera (or item) to the cursor and up 1.77 meters.

Arrow Buttons - Navigate to the first camera, previous, next or last camera in the scene, this also makes that camera active and selects it so you can quickly move it if needed.

Shortcuts are:

Shift+Left arrow = Go to First Camera

Shift+Right arrow = Go to Last Camera

Control+Left arrow = Go to previous Camera

Control+Right arrow = Go to next Camera

Location Vector - Allows you to move the active object in the same tab, using x,y,z

Rotation Vector - Allows you to rotate the active object in the same tab, using x,y,z


1k - Sets the scene resolution to 1024x512

2k - Sets the scene resolution to 2048x1024

4k - Sets the scene resolution to 4096x2048

8k - Sets the scene resolution to 8192x4096


Preview - Sets the sample size to 16

Low - Sets the sample size to 100

Medium - Sets the sample size to 250

High - Sets the sample size to 1000


Mono - Sets the scene to monoscopic (normal 2D)

Stereo - Sets the scene to Stereo. Sets the type to multiview, sets the type to Over/Under.

Denoise - Sets up a denoise pass in the compositor. THIS WILL DELETE ANY NODES YOU HAVE SETUP, ONLY USE IF YOUR COMPOSITOR IS EMPTY. 


Render all Cameras - Renders all the cameras that are set up in the scene to a folder called "ap360", in the same location as your .blend file (Your .Blend file must be saved in order for this to work). 

This function overwrites any images in the folder, so make sure you want to overwrite them before using this a second time. If you do not want to overwrite, you can use the regular Render Animation method, and select the location in the Output Properties tab.


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Sales 80+
Dev Fund Contributor
Published about 4 years ago
Software Version 2.8, 2.81, 2.82, 2.83, 2.9
License GPL