Pro Materials Importer + Material Manager

by 3DPRS in Addons

3DPRS Pro Materials Importer + Material Manager is a combination of two add-ons put together for power users who are striving to have ultimate control over their material libraries

New in Version 1.1
Added support for Blender 4.0

Import :
Added a button operator to import all images  in the path as materials 

Maps :
Added a button operator to clear out all texture maps inputs
Added input for specular color
Added inpout for scattering scale
Added inpout for subsurface anisotropy
Added input for a second normal map, support for up to 2 normal maps+ 1 bump map
Added input for emission color
Added input for coat tint (color)
Added input for coat normal
Added input for transmission weight

Sliders :
Added slider for specular level
Added slider for transmission weight
Added slider for emission strength
Added sliders for XYZ texture rotation

With Pro Material Importer
You're able to bulk import materials just by choosing their location and the rest all automated
Choose your custom map suffixes according to the material library and create presets to for later use with different libraries
Add a material Prefix upon import for easy readability and easy management 
Have control over the texture scale and projection texture blend for either the selected material or all the materials
have control over several texture controls such as bump strength, normal strength, opacity strength, displacement height, mid levels 

With Pro Material Manager
You're able to create a new material with a random color and apply it to all the selected object/ create a new World material
Choose a material from the list and delete it
Choose a material from the list and rename it
choose a material from the list and apply it to all the selected objects
Purge all unused materials
Delete all materials in the scene
Replace materials 


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2 ratings
Published 10 months ago
Software Version 4.2, 4.1, 4.0
License GPL