Auto-Constraints: Effortless 2D Constraints For 3D Tools

by in Addons

How to Use

Using the add-on is as simple as using the default Blender tools. If you wish to turn off the constraint behavior, simply toggle the main button in the constraint toolbar or press Shift + Alt + X (The hotkey is configurable in the add-on preferences).

Below is a handy cheatsheet explaining all the options in the UI.


autoConstraints is installed using the standard Blender add-on method.

If upgrading from the free version or a previous release, make sure to disable it before enabling the new version (step 5.)

  1. Download the latest .zip file

  2. Launch Blender and open the preferences through Edit/Preferences

  3. Go to the Add-on tab and press "Install"

  4. Navigate to the downloaded .zip file and press "Install Add-on"

  5. Disable all other versions of autoConstraints then check the box on the add-on to enable in Blender. You should see the UI pop up in the viewport, the add-on is ready to go!

  6. (Optional) Expand the add-on dropdown to configure preferences


There may be conflicts if you use other add-ons that override hotkeys.

There is now an option to disable automatic keymaps - meaning you'll have to assign them manually. To make this easier there is a sidepanel with all the operators as buttons.



  • Added support for 3D Tools where "Drag" is set to "Tweak"/"Active Tool"
  • Fixed Icons not showing up in rare cases

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Sales 100+
Customer Ratings 4
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Dev Fund Contributor
Published about 2 months ago
Blender Version 4.1, 4.0, 3.6, 3.5, 3.4, 3.3
License GPL
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