Vintage 1940 Bathroom Asset Set

by FlyingGhoti in Models

This is a matching set of historic American bathroom fixtures - sink, bathtub, toilet, towel bar, and mirror - from circa 1940, in a classic and distinctive style that's a little bit late Art Deco and a little bit Streamline Moderne. Several features tie all of the assets together, notably the repeated use of hexagons in the faucets, valves, and towel bar brackets. All of them are suitable for archvis, fully textured, and render-ready, with entirely quad-based topologies. As a special bonus, a not-quite-so-historic plunger and toilet brush are also included in the full set.

List of assets included in the full set:

  • console-style bathroom sink
  • alcove-style bathtub
  • two-piece toilet
  • hexagonal towel bar
  • bathroom mirror
  • toilet brush in holder
  • plunger

None of the included assets are designed to have moveable parts, though elements like the faucets could be animated if desired. The sink and bath stopper are both simplified and not designed to move. The toilet is a monolithic block with no actual bowl under the lid. The mirror is only a mirror and not an openable medicine cabinet.

All renders done in Cycles. No HDRI, camera, or lighting is included in this set, only a simple sky texture. Images showing the fixtures in the context of an actual bathroom have been included for visualization purposes only. There are no assets included other than what is explicitly listed above and depicted in the featured image.

  • Includes everything listed in the product description.

  • Only the sink, nothing else.

  • Only the bathtub, nothing else.

  • Only the toilet, nothing else.

  • Only the mirror, nothing else.

  • Only the towel bar, nothing else.


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Dev Fund Contributor
Published about 1 month ago
Software Version 4.3, 4.2, 4.1, 4.0
Render Engine Used Cycles
Misc Data Textured
License Royalty Free