Render For Catalog
Render for Catalog
This addon allows you to obtain individual renders starting from a group of objects. It is useful when you have many objects and you want to render with the same lighting and framing for each object, for example images for catalogs or thumbnails or icons.
Example of use
- All objects must be present in a project, even as links to objects or collections from other .blend files.
- Taking one of the objects as a reference, set the framing and lighting.
- With the addon, add the reference cube and resize it and position it around the test object.
- Add all the objects to the relative list of the addon.
- With the "Center objects on reference" button, all the objects in the list are positioned and resized to fit inside the reference cube, therefore in the right position for the chosen framing and for the lighting.
- Add the camera to the relative list.
- Add lights and objects that are part of the set, to the lights list.
- Set the name of the renders.
Launch the renders.
The format and path of the render is the one set in the project.
Multiple cameras
You can use different cameras to have different views of the same object (like in mugshots); in this case you need to insert the index or the name of the camera in the render name to avoid having the same names for the renders of the various cameras.
Fileoutput in compositor
With this addon you can use "fileoutput" nodes in the compositor, useful for saving main image and thumbnails with one render or different version of the same image, with or without alpha...
It's important to set the render input with the viewlayer created from addon ("_RFC_viewlayer"), since the other viewlayers will be turned off during the render. The name of the image saved by the "fileoutput" node will be updated as set in the addon.
Renaming objects
In the list of objects and in the list of cameras you can change the name that will be used in the name of the render: it is the second name shown in the list, set by default equal to the name of the object.
Here are the various placeholders that can be used:
%on: Object name in the scene
%or: Name of the object for render, second name in the list, the one that can be changed
%oi: Index of the object in the object list, with # you choose how many digits to use
%cn: Camera name
%cr: Name of the camera for render, second name in the list, the one that can be changed
%oi: Index of the camera in the camera list, with # you choose how many digits to use
%fr: frame, with # you choose how many digits to use
Selective view
All objects remain free to be moved, rotated and resized at any time, but after having centered them on the reference cube it is difficult to locate in the pile of all the objects the one you want to modify.
For this reason it is possible to hide all the objects except the one highlighted in the objects list, or add a visibility driver to all the objects in the list, which will be visible only in the frame corresponding to their index in the list: in this way, when scrolling the animation cursor, you will see only one object at a time.
The visibility driver only affects the "hide_viewport" property and does not affect the rendering; it is also always possible to deactivate or remove it completely.
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Selective rendering
If you need to re-render only some objects in the list, you can select the objects in the list with the check and before launching the rendering select "Render only checked": the check will be removed once the rendering is ended.
Animation rendering
Selecting "Render animation" the rendering will save the animation as set in the project. This is useful for example to have turnarounds or turntables. The saving format is always the one set in the project, so in the case of PNG it will save a list of images, if the format is ffmpeg it will save a video.