Landscape In Blender Tutorial + Smart (And Low-Poly) Trees
Learn how to create large-scale scenes using Blender in a 5-hour-long step-by-step tutorial plus download two asset packs that cost $30 in individual sales. Smart Trees - Low Poly Trees Scatter
Hello and welcome to a detailed, step-by-step blender landscape tutorial.
In this almost 5-hour-long tutorial divided into 16 chapters, we will go through the entire process of creating this scene.
The tutorial is step-by-step, which means that the entire process of creating a scene is recorded and is suitable for blender beginners, however, there are things in the tutorial for more advanced blender users, especially as we get closer to the end.
Since the tutorial is also intended for beginners, we will start with the Blender layout.
After that, we will do scene blocking so we can choose the right camera and make the process easier later.
I will show you how to easily manage large-scale scenes and blender so that everything is in real-world dimensions and at the same time easy to work with.
Since we need a lot of trees to create the scene, I decided to provide all the assets for you. We will cover the hills and mountains with low-poly trees using the low-poly trees geometry nodes scatter that I created for scenes like this. After that we will focus on the trees closer to the camera, using the Smart Trees asset pack.
Both asset packs (Smart trees and Low-poly-trees scatter are available if you buy the larger pack.
Smart trees individually cost $20 and Low-poly-trees scatter $10, so this is an ideal opportunity to get both packages + tutorial for less than the cost of both packages.
After the trees, we will create the snow.
The whole part with the snow is divided into 3 chapters and lasts 1 hour and 10 minutes, in which I explain in detail where to find good shaders, how to mix shaders, how to create the real mesh with a displacement map, how to use the photoscan element to get more details.
Also, we will mention a few free add-ons that may be useful.
Later, we+e'll talk about lighting, volumetric effects, and more.
In the Blender compositor, we will significantly transform the final result and try out many options.
The final blender file is also available for download.
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