Filemanager 2.0

by rashmiradhi studios in Addons

Filemanager 2.0 is a production grade solution for managing project files effortlessly. While saving it automatically saves as a different version and keeps previous files accessible. Users can add any notes linked to the files, making it extremely helpful to track the progress of the file without even opening.

Features like save UI's current state added to improve user experience, Once saved, it opens where you left it last and every time you open blender it will open from there.

It also has linking and appending options not limiting to save and open options.

Update Log:

  • Double clicking "Asset" opens the "Context" frame (UX improvement).
  • Added checkbox to create default sub folders for project and assets.
  • Made installation easier.

Bug fix:

  • Added alternate method to export and import fbx files via "N- panel".

Future updates:

  • Make the addon recognize as an extension.
  • Display thumbnails upon selecting projects or Assets.
  • Update a version of file as recommended for render.

!!!  Promotional discount !!!

The product is intended for solo professionals, hobbyists, freelancers.

 The product currently will be in promotional discount pricing at $6 for a month.

Variation for companies will be added soon at $35 for seats less than 10 and $55 for seats more than 10.


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Published 26 days ago
Software Version 4.3
Extension Type Add-on
License GPL