Cameleon: Material Batch Rendering Tool

by Bees.Keys LTD in Addons

Rendering out hundreds of options for product renders can be extremely time consuming.

This is where Cameleon comes to help you with your product rendering.

Cameleon is designed for producing product renders that are ready to be used in a configurator efficiently.

Simply select the objects you want rendered, assign as many materials and camera angles as you wish, and hit render, Cameleon will handle outputting every permutation for you!

With the shadow catcher and holdout functionality you can easily tell Blender how to handle any object when it's not being rendered, to make for easy compositing.

Ready for use in a configurator.

Got a collection that you want to share all the same materials? Not a problem, Cameleon will treat collections as if they are a single object and share the same materials across all.


Stretch Goals:

Object driver visibility based on camera

Stacked multi-layer EXR output


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Published 27 days ago
Software Version 4.3, 4.2
Extension Type Add-on
License GPL