This item has an average rating of 5 from 11 ratings by the community.
gab v
about 1 month ago
thank ou for maintaining it and adding awesome updates to it. will recommend to other animators
Tom Oliver
about 1 month ago
I honestly haven't even messed with anything else yet, but the editable motion paths alone is worth double what this add on costs. Absolutely essential if looking at the graph editor makes your head explode.
2 months ago
It's a very powerful animation plugin that can save you days of work every month. I highly recommend it for anyone who values their time. It's like animBot for Blender.
Aaron Schnacky
7 months ago
7 months ago
This is one of the most useful addons that are available for Blender! If you are familiar with space switching you know that setting up the controllers, baking and offsetting has a lot of busywork and clicking around that gets in the way unless you've prepared your own scripts and automatation tools. But the way Tal has thought about this addon makes the process incredibly quick, easy and convenient so you only have to think and focus on animating. He's very quick to respond and he manages to iterate rapidly and quickly fix any bugs that we might find. I used his animation layers addon before and all I can say that his hard work has made Blender a lot more usable for animation in the meantime. We know we are a bit far away from getting everything we would need in vanilla Blender but he has managed to close that gap in a way that I can do almost anything that I can come up with. Thanks again for the hard work and I hope that anyone that's considering getting this addon gets it because it's an amazing tool.
Bob Paul
9 months ago
Second best animation addon - behind your animation layers which has saved me so much time and effort! Anyone not already familiar with Animation Layers needs to go buy it now. To be fair, still learning this tool, and am excited already with the features. Looking forward to expanded documentation / tutorials. Well done, and thank you once again!
11 months ago
By far one of the most useful and smart addons I have in my library. Thank you so much Tal.
Bows down in respect. Bravo.
Nildo Essa
about 1 year ago
This tool is being used DAILY whenever i animate in blender... just like the Animation Layers Addon from the same amazing Tal.. i cant/wont really use Blender for animaiton without them... thanks so much Tal for developing this and the openess for added features and critiques :). I love this!
Ibrahim Fadl Ibrahim
about 1 year ago
Now this is why this tool is my hero .. its easly the best animation tool i have ever used in blender .. it very simple and very powerful.. very well done .. i used maya animbot but i needed a reason to switch to blender completely.. this Tool was the reason.. much much love and respect..
over 1 year ago
Thanks as usual for awesome add-ons for animations.