75 Ornament Alphas + Vdm Brushes Vol 1
This Product includes (75 Ornament + 5 Ornament Free Alphas / VDMBrushes) Set For ZBrush, Substance Painter,Blender,etc.a
after purchasing this package, you will get :
- - 75 Ornament Alphas / VDM Brushes
- - PNG , JPEG (4K Alpha)
- - VDM Brushes (75 VDM Brushes Zbrush +75 VDM Brushes Blender)
- This Product Has 5 Free Alphas / VDM Brushes (5 VDM Brushes Zbrush +5 VDM Brushes Blender)
- Free Product download Link:
- https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/8tprdxh564djhhemvfp46/5OrnamentAlphaBrushFree.zip?rlkey=afn7aojumttthak3u9bblmeos&e=1&st=b8cpmdex&dl=0
This product created by SaeedSD, you can access the portfolio on Artstation via the link www.artstation.com/SaeedSD.