40 Skin Brush Brushes For Blender And Zbrush - Vdm Brush- Skin Brush - Alpha Brush - Vol 03
- 40 skin brushes with high quality and detail
- Video Demo :
- https://youtu.be/YFeOsYNni6M
- https://youtu.be/EIWbu9qW4B0
- https://youtu.be/zUynczqDN2I
- https://youtu.be/-qGBp217rOI
- This product will speed up your project. Customize models
- Only the buyer can use this product.
- Sharing and selling the product is prohibited.
- Usable in all versions of Blender and Zbrush 2021 and above
- Product information
- 1- VDM Brush for Blender
- 2- VDM Brush for Zbrush
- 3 - Brush with EXR format for Blender
- 4 - High quality alpha texture files
- 5- Alpha in TIFF and PSD format
- 6- Tutorial on how to use brushes
- 7 - Applying custom changes to models
- 8 - Usable in making games, films and animations
- 9 - Brushes have high quality and detail
- 10 - Suitable for practicing, teaching and learning textures
- Your purchase helps to produce more products on the Ehsan Salari page, please introduce my page to your friends
- Thank you.
- Please send me an email if you have any questions or want a project.
- This is my email and YouTube address:
- Email : design.ehsan.salari@gmail.com
- YouTube : https://www.youtube.com/@Ehsan_Salari_1992/video
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